Success Stories

I began working with Sandy at SAM in April 2010. I had just accepted the new job of Nurse Coordinator at the SAM Program in Flamborough and was returning from a maternity leave that I had taken with my son. I was quickly put to the test and sent to multiple training opportunities, including getting my Can-Fit-Pro Personal Trainer Specialist, Older Adult Fitness Specialist and SAM STEPS to Exercise Leader Certificate.

I was able to live through the rigorous training schedule, but only barely. Between being sleep deprived, stressed out and out of shape, I was having some trouble keeping up. I had also, to my own shame, returned to smoking after my son was born. I was not the picture of good health that I believe a nurse and a personal trainer should promote. That all changed when I finally gave in to Sandy and her words of encouragement. First things first though, I had to quit smoking. I stopped on October 31st, 2010 and have not looked back since.

Feeling ready to get into shape, I approached Sandy to discuss my fitness goals. She helped me to stay focused on realistic goals and assured me that I could meet them despite my feelings that I did not have time. After addressing my needs, I settled on wanting to train for a 10 km run by the spring of 2011.

I started in the gym with Sandy and was given a thorough but doable fitness routine intended on getting me into shape so I could start my running training. I was able to achieve my goals quickly in the gym and was excited to get outside to start running.

I began with my 10 km training schedule and was given constant encouragement and advice by Sandy throughout my training. One day, I went for a run with her and she was able to help me run further than I had ever run, 11 km! In a very decent time. It was a cause for celebration for me, but she said she knew I would be able to do it just based on the consistency of the training I had put in. She was right and I was very proud.

As I continued to work toward my 10 km goal, Sandy and I raced in a 5 km race where I pushed myself to the end and had my best time ever, another monumental moment.

On the second birthday of my son, June 10, 2011, I ran my 10 km race and finished happily and strongly. I was able to say that I did it. Sandy was there for me every step of the way to provide support, laughter and expertise. I never felt like I was running alone.

My training needs have changed now that I am expecting my second child, but I know that Sandy will be able to find ways to keep me fit in a fun and safe way, no matter where the road takes me.

Throughout my childhood and teenage years I was very active. As was the custom in the thirties and forties we walked or rode our bikes wherever we went. During the summer months I swam in the municipal pool or in the lake on a daily basis. In winter I skated and in spring and autumn I played baseball and games that required a lot of running.

Unfortunately, when I entered university, teachers college and began teaching, my life of daily exercise came to a halt. I sat or stood for the greater part of the day and evening.

At age 59 I developed heart problems so serious that I required by-pass surgery in May of 1988. I improved my diet and went back to the classroom shortly after. Sadly I did not engage in a formal exercise program at that time.

In February of 1999 I underwent another by-pass surgery and retired from teaching. The surgeon enrolled me in the Cardiac Exercise Program at the General Hospital in Hamilton, Ontario for a six month period. They taught me how to exercise, enjoy exercise and I graduated. Following that I joined the MacTurtle Cardiac Exercise Program at McMaster University. I remained there for ten years until I was able to participate with the STEPS Company.

This is where I continue a healthy lifestyle. My memory and clear thinking have been enhanced. Tests have shown that my bones are stronger. As we age our bones need to be given attention. Rather than taking calcium pills, it is the exercise I am engaged in that has helped me so much. I am delighted to share this good news with you. A bone density X-ray taken on July 26, 2007 revealed mild osteopenia of the neck and of the left femur. A subsequent X-ray taken on February 28, 2011 indicated that there is no osteopenia, nor any osteoporosis. My family doctor and I are very pleased with these results.

I attribute this improvement to the exercise and weight lifting I do three times a week. When I don’t want to exercise I come to the gym anyway and when I am finished my routine I feel great and ready to participate in the rest of my day.

Thanks to Sandra Sheffield-Young for her excellent direction and encouragement.

Sincerely and Gratefully,


I began Sandy’s Fitness Program in 2006, about 6 years ago. Under her direction I’ve worked out about 30 minutes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and will continue. In 2002, I was diagnosed as having both osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. I was given Caltrate with Vitamin D for daily intake plus a weekly more powerful drug as medication. But I am convinced that Sandy’s exercise program was the more powerful agent in strengthening my joints and bones over the medication. My daily intake of broccoli and frequent intake of salmon and almonds are also a strengthening factor in my war against osteoporosis.

Some time ago, when attempting a walk on the Bruce Trail, I slipped and rolled sideways down the gully about 10 metres, bumping my glasses and losing them while rolling. When the stop came, my two legs rested over a fallen tree trunk. Then I heard the voice of the nurse, my companion, creeping down the steep hill calling, “Don’t move, Rosalie”. Would you believe, there was not a broken bone? Only lots of bruises! And so, I credit my healthy bones to my regularity in exercises first of all.

Almost monthly, I ask Sandy to check my weight and Body Fat index and always obtain a pleasing report. Her chart repeatedly puts me in the “very healthy category”. I also attend sessions in group exercise twice weekly and once a week I enjoy attending Sandy’s Flow Class which is a combination of stretching Tai Chi and yoga moves. Walking four flights of stairways 4 or 5 times a day and walking the long corridors as well as outside where I live, have contributed to my enjoying my new gardening hobby. I find gardening an outlet to my creativity and most exhilarating—better than a holiday anywhere! I am only a month short of becoming 85 but feel more like a month short of 55!

Thanks to Sandy for her care and her powerful exercise program.



Write your success story today! For more information please Contact STEPS for information and check the STEPS Event Calendar for up-coming course dates.

Since I started exercising I was able to come off my blood pressure medication. I have more energy and miss it when I am not able to make my personal training sessions
A big thank you to STEPS – I couldn’t have reached this level without you.

Personal Fitness Goals

  • Reduce Stress
  • Improve Health & Wellness
  • Improve Strength
  • Increase Flexibility
  • More Energy
  • Have Fun!